Keeping your home and belongings protected is essential, as you never know when something unexpected could happen that puts a great deal of strain on your life and finances. Flood, fire and theft might be rare, but if these (or other disasters) strike, the results could be extremely costly.

Household Insurance can keep your home and possessions protected so that in the unlikely event something does happen to them, you won’t have to pay to replace them out of your own pocket. At Coughlan Commercial Brokers Ltd, we can arrange home insurance that keeps you protected, including new-for-old cover. Whether you’re looking to insure your building, contents, or both, we’ll track down the most appropriate cover for you.

We can arrange cover for your house and belongings individually, or provide your buildings and contents insurance in one handy policy. Why not get in touch and see if we can beat your current Household Insurance policy?

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